Fire Safety
Fires can be encountered anywhere. The fire safety program will be reviewed annually
by the safety officer. The management will provide training and information on the fire
policy at the time of employment and review annually. Your local fire company or a
private agency can provide information and perform an inspection of facility.
1. Adequate fire extinguishers will be located in the facility. Inspection of fire extin
guishers will be documented on an inspection tag.
1. Fire exits will be marked with an illuminated exit sign.
2. If the exits are not immediately apparent, they will be marked with “direction to” exit
3. Fire exits will be kept free of obstruction.
4. All doors will be labeled (e.g. closet, restroom) to prevent confusion to patients and
6. If facility has a fire alarm system or sprinkler system, it will be tested annually.
7. All employees will participate in mock fire drill. Some employees will act as patients.
8. Do not use elevators to evacuate building (if applicable).
9. An evacuation plan will be posted in the facility.